Thursday, September 23, 2010

Charlie Kelly is the Coolest Fake Person You Know

So apparently I have blogged before. I use to write notes on facebook. They were often stupid and super emo and in fact I encourage anyone who wants a cheap laugh to go through them if you would like. It’s basically reads like some theatre queens diary, so enjoy.

But, I did stumble across some cool and funny ones. Including this one about Charlie Kelly the loveable fool on the show, “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” I was even hanging out with a couple friends outside of class one day when a girl they knew walked up and said I hi to all of them and proceeded to call me Charlie. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. 

He is played by actor Charlie Day and his interpretation of the character has always been one of my favorite. In fact I can relate to him a lot.  If you have never seen the show stop reading this, go to or F/ (the cable network it is on, Thursday nights at 9:00/ 10PM), search the show and watch ANY episode. It’s about 4 friends who own a bar in South Phili and their wacky intentions and adventures. Plus halfway through season 2, Danny DeVito just shows up to be a part of the gang. It’s beyond funny.

After that feel free to swing by and read my brain.

And now for you’re reading pleasures, a reflection of Charlie Kelly from a very old facebook note I wrote like two years ago :):

I find very odd relationships with fictional characters from television.

For example Charlie Kelly from “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” I see a lot of myself in him. I am pathetic at times, love sick over women who want nothing to do with me, make stupid comments/ assumptions, wear the same clothes on a daily basis, have irrational outbursts, and have nothing without my friends even if they are sick, twisted, self-absorbed, and without morals.

Than there is the rational side of me that sees that I am not like Charlie in any way. I have goals and aspirations, I clean up pretty well, and I can read and write, my friends aren’t totally evil. He is an awesome character that I can relate to in many ways, but at the same time kick myself when I act like him in anyway, which is on a daily basis.

For all my friends I ask you who are you? Who do you relate to? We all have heroes and inspirations in our lives. Who are some of yours alive, real, dead, fake, imaginary, good evil etc,? 

1 comment:

  1. The grey-on-greyer color scheme makes it really difficult to read your blog. Might want to lighten the color of the text or go with a dark text on light background scheme.
